Sunday, August 10, 2008

Meeting Review (July 29th, 2008)

Roles :

Players (Name) Titles
Maureen Ong CC
Invocation :
Chandran CC
Shanmugam CTM
Maureen Ong CC
GE :
Michelle Ong CC
AH :
Ranjit Singh ACB, CL
Grammarian :
Mary Barton ACB, CL
Timer :

It was the third meeting of the new term where the theme was marathon and the word of the day: “VICTORY” which means a success or triumph.

The meeting was certainly a victory with 4 assignment speeches namely by:-

1: Ananthan Sanggar (Ice Breaker): “JOY”

2: Lim Mooi Kheng (Ice Breaker): “MYSELF”

3: Ranjani V (CL#9): “Why Budget Your Expenditure

4: Muhendaran: Migrant Worker

The speeches were very entertaining and also informative. I thoroughly enjoyed the speeches and had fun during the meeting.

The evaluators are in the following order:-

Evaluator 1: Maureen Ong, CC

Evaluator 2: Mary Barton, ACB, CL

Evaluator 3: Chandran, CC

Evaluator 4: Syamala

Our first time GE gave her feedback for the improvement and betterment of the Club

by Shanmugam CTM

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