Sunday, November 16, 2008

Meeting Review (Oct 21st, 2008)



Aishah Ayub
Chandran CTM
Huegesh Marimuthu

Lakhmichand, M.A. ATMB, CL
Lourdes Chandramohan DTM TTE
Mary Barton ACB, CL TTE
Maureen Ong CC SAA / GE
Michelle Ong CC TME
Muhendaran DTM HUMOUR
Ranjit Singh ACB, CL AH
Rema Paul ACG
Sham Sunder CC

GUESTS (Hosts)
Jalli Rema
Jill Lucky
Priscilla Peh Lucky
Robert Foo Lucky
Shakuntala Sham Sunder

Muhendaran, DTM
Basic C&L # 6
"Do We Need It?"

Ranjit Singh, ACB, CL
#2 Hum Speaking -
"Sooner or Later"

Rema Paul, ACG
HPL Presentation - Vision / Mission

Chandran, CTM
Mary Barton, ACB, CL

Huegesh Marimuthu
Ranjit Singh
Robert Foo
Michelle Ong
Rema Paul BEST
Aishah Ayub

As per our normal Bangsar Toastmasters practice, the meeting started at 7.30 p.m. sharp.

We then recited our Toastmasters promise which was led by our Sergeant at arms (SAA) Maureen Ong CC. Then the president Mary Barton took us on a round of self-introduction. Besides telling those present our names, we had to tell them “What makes us smile”.

We were blessed with the presence of 5 new guests. For the benefit of the guests and to remind the members, I gave a brief introduction on the history of Toastmasters and what Toastmasters is all about.

During the invocation, Shanmugam CTM used an inspiring story about how out of two leaders, one was chosen. The leader was chosen not for doing what he knows best but for his ability to discern when to use what he knows.

Shanmugam then “changed hats” to be the Table Topics Master. According to the schedule, ten speakers were allotted time for the table topics section. Eight speakers were identified at the beginning of the meeting by a “committee”. One of the other two slots was taken by a guest and another by another member.

The Table Topics speakers and the speech titles were as follows:

1. Lucky: Give your views on whether the price of petrol should be reduced.
2. Huegesh: Are foreign graduates better than local graduates?
3. Ranjit: Foreign cars are better than local cars.
4. Chandran: Give your views on Malaysians migrating overseas.
5. Guest Robert Foo: Malaysian mentality needs rebranding..
6. Sethu: Voting age should be increased from 18 to 21
7. Michelle: Malaysian education system should be revamped
8. Muhendaran: Sport is good business.
9. Rema: Transgender should be accepted by society.
10. Aishah: What is the best form of investment during the economic crisis?

There were two TT Evaluators – Lourdes, DTM (evaluated odd numbered speakers), & Mary Barton ACB, CL (evaluated even numbered speakers). Both the evaluators gave good pointers on how the speakers could improve.

After the 10 minute-break, the assignment speeches commenced with the following members doing their individual projects:

1. Muhendaran did project #6 on Vocal Variety from the Competent Communication Manual. Title: Do we need it?

2. Ranjit did project #2 from the Humorously speaking manual: Leave them with a smile. Title: Sooner or later

3. Rema Paul did HPL Presentation – Vision/Mission. This is part of the requirement for the Distinguished Toastmaster achievement award.

Our GE, Maureen Ong CC then took us through the evaluation session. We first heard the reports from evaluators of two assignment speeches (Chandran, Evaluator for Muhendaran & Mary, the evaluator for Ranjit ACB). There was no evaluation for Rema’s speech. After that we heard the reports from the various role players. Then the GE gave us her comments on the meeting.

After the business session the meeting concluded on time at 9.30 p.m.

by Michelle Ong, CC

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