Saturday, September 20, 2008

Meeting Review (Aug 19th, 2008)


Aishah Ayub TIMER
Aisalli Ayub
Chandran, CC
Huegesh AH
Lakmichand ATMB GE
Lim Mooi Kheng
Lourdes DTM
Maureen CC SAA
Michelle CC
Muhendaran, DTM
Ranjani TME
Ranjit Singh ATMB
Renu Dayalal
Sham Sunder CTM
Shanmugam CTM

Lo Sho Hooi

Aisalli Ayub
C&L - #1 - Ais Ali in a Nutshell

Renu Dayalal
C&L - #2 - Real Estate

Lim Mooi Kheng
C&L - #3 - My Father

Muhendaran, DTM
C&L - #5 - Sexual Harrasment at Work Place

Ranjit Singh ATMB BEST
#1 Hum Speaking - What do men really want

Michelle CC
#2 - Speaking to inform - Fuel Tips

Maureen CC
Shanmugam CTM
Lourdes Chandramohan, DTM
Chandran, CC BEST
Muhendaran, DTM BEST

There were no Table Topics held since we had 6 speakers for the evening, thanks to our VPE's enthusiasm and benevolence in providing interested members an opportunity to speak.

Aisalli, the first speaker, had a captivating title to her speech which managed to maintain the audience's interest in her speech. Her body language and eye contact was excellent.

Renu, the second speaker, spoke about real estate and provided us with useful tips on which properties to invest in. Her voice was soothing and she looked really relaxed.

Lim Mooi Kheng, the third speaker talked about the admiration she had for her father and she overwhelmed the audience by showing us the lantern her father had made from a Carlsberg can. She talked with utmost sincerity and conviction about her father.

Muhendaran, the fourth speaker, talked about what constituted sexual harassment . I was very eager to hear him give us ways on how to resolve the issue of sexual harassment.

The fifth speaker, Ranjit Singh, with his speech entitled "What do men really want?", was packed with humour.

Michelle, the sixth speaker, gave us tips of Fuel.

The evaluation session was very interesting and the evaluators were all inspiring and encouraging, specially with new speakers.

The GE, Lucky, ATMB, was as usual his lively self. He conducted the evaluation session with vigour and vitality, not only enthralled the audience with his wit and charisma but also managed to pack some humour into his general evaluation session.

The meeting went on quite well except for the faux paux of the Toastmaster of the Evening.

The Best Speaker Award went to Ranjit Singh, ACB, and
Best Evaluators were Chandran, CC and Muhendaran, DTM

by Ranjani,CC

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